1. Arrange Setup – ensure your camera is positioned correctly and use a desktop or laptop with good audio and video capabilities. Use a location where there will be no interruptions and quiet for the duration of the interview.
  2. Trial – practice using/loading the program of choice such as Teams, Zoom or Lifesize
  3. Preparation – ensure you are fully prepared and have the job spec, notes, notepad and checklists in front of you. Have a glass of water nearby.
  4. Dress code – ensure you are dressed appropriately as if you were attending a face to face interview.  This will ensure the correct message is portrayed to the interviewer and will put you in a more formal mindset.
  5. Time Management – ensure you are organised and ready and waiting to join the call 10/5 minutes prior to the scheduled call.
  6. During the interview – ensure you use the correct body language as being at home could make you ‘too’ relaxed, sit upright and engage with the interviewer.
  7. Focus – ensure you are focused and make eye contact throughout, as you would in person and if there are background interruptions try not to let them distract you.  People accept during these challenging times interruptions may occur.
  8. Leading – let the client/interviewer lead but where relevant engage and ask questions.

Do's and Dont's

  • Do not fidget/swivel on your chair etc
  • Do not have other programmes running in the background as they can sometimes slow down the connection
  • Try to ask some appropriate pre researched questions at the end of the interview
  • Always approach virtual interviews in the same manner as you would a face to face one